Don’t Wait To Invest in a Website—Here’s Why

You may have any number of reasons for waiting to invest in a website (I bet they’re some of these reasons) but I don’t want you to miss out on the fun. Here’s the top five reasons why you should not wait to invest in a website.

  1. Credibility
    The second you have a website up, you show more credibility.  75% of people base the credibility of a business on how their website looks.  Without a website you’re immediately falling into the trap of losing credibility before you can even talk to people and establish it.

  2. Professionalism
    A website creates a sense of professionalism that people trust.  Not only can they get more information and learn more about you, but they also get a feeling that they are visiting a professional business.

  3. It sells for you
    A website is quite literally a salesperson that works around the clock.  Even when you aren’t up adding things to your Instagram story or sending out personalized emails, your website serves as a landing place for interested parties to learn more (and get nurtured and then sold to) without any of the work.  Goodbye alarm clock!

  4. Analytics
    As a huge fan of SEO this point is by far my favorite.  The sooner your website is up, the sooner we can start looking at the analytics and seeing what is and isn’t working.  SEO itself takes months to cultivate and begin driving traffic, so the earlier you get it going, the more results you will have.

  5. Reach
    This ties into #4. The quicker your site is up the more time it has to gain traction, get crawled by bots (fancy SEO words), and get seen by more people. A site takes time to show up in search engines like google, so instead of waiting until you need a website, get it going while you’re still building your business so that your site grows with you.


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