How To Hack the Algorithm — Using Keywords & SEO To Optimize Your Social Media

Every platform has its own algorithm, from Google to TikTok to Etsy to Instagram.  And on every platform there are ways to optimize the way that you show up.

Algorithms sound like this nebulous creature that feeds on good content and spits out the stuff you don’t really want to see, but in reality there’s a lot more to each algorithm.

Before we get into the role of SEO, let’s break down the purpose of an algorithm.

Simply put, the purpose of an algorithm is to connect people with content.  Regardless of whether that’s content that you’re looking for or content that will keep you on the platform (hello ad revenue), an algorithm wants to show you content that you’re interested in.

When it comes to any platform, keywords are the critical starting point.  Keywords are the things that people search for to find your content.  

  • Your focus keyword should be in your blog.

  • Keywords should have a place in your hashtag strategy.

  • Your focus keyword should be in your youtube video title or your ebay post title.

Your keywords need to dictate the copy of your content.  For more info on keywords, click here or here.

In terms of social media, there’s two things that should always be optimized for the platform you’re on.

  1. Your profile.

  2. Your content.

Your Profile

Your social media account (regardless of platform) should provide visitors with exactly what it is that you provide.  Each platform is different and has its own tips and tricks, but the task is the same: solve a problem and make it clear.  Make sure that your bio or your about section clearly states the problem that you solve or what you provide.  Avoid keyword stuffing.

Your content

Generally on social media you have a video or a graphic paired with some text.  Of course this isn’t the only content being produced, but for today let’s focus on this type.  The way that you optimize each part of your content is different.

For images, there’s lots of hidden information inside of images.  Some platforms do allow you to make these edits in their upload/editor.  Be sure to add your focus keyword where you can.

  • Name the image

  • Add alt text

  • If it’s your image, set the owner to yourself or your business

  • Add tags (keywords!)

For your text, you’ll want to naturally utilize your keywords.  Make sure that your focus keyword is in the first sentence if possible.  Keywords should also be a part of your hashtags.

If you’re writing a blog or working on a document where you have multiple headings, H1 should only be used once and should have your focus keyword in it.  You’ll also get bonus points if you use your focus keyword in other headings.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, optimizing your content is relevant on every single platform.  Utilizing keywords is the most effective way to help your content get to where you want it to go.


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