Messy Action & A New Website Launch


There’s a term called messy action.  The idea behind it is the opposite of perfectionism.  It’s about just doing the damn thing in a messy, imperfect way.  And the beauty of messy action is that it leaves room to adjust and make changes after the first go. 

A lot of business owners sit on things for a long time, finicking and trying to make things perfect before launching.

As an Aries and a generator, I love messy action.

My own business is a huge example of messy action.  I had built and worked on a handful of sites when I had my first sales call.  In fact, I didn’t even realize what the sales call was for.  Someone needed help with their business and I had no clue what kind of help.  Turns out they wanted to build out a new site.  I said yes, and away we went.  I didn’t even have my own website up at that point.

A few weeks later I put together a one-page website for my business.  It was messy.  It didn’t look great, wasn’t very well formatted, and barely had any information on it.  But it was a great place to start.

Then, I started getting clients revolving around Instagram.  I had set out to be a website designer, but my messy action had led me to Instagram coaching.  After doing that for a bit, I decided that wasn’t for me.

I went back and refined my website.  This was a major upgrade.  It had multiple pages, more information, and some SEO.

What I’ve noticed about my business is that there are always things to do besides website design.  But at the end of the day, website design is my true passion and priority.  Every pivot I make in my business feels to be redirecting it back to website design.  Redoing my website, creating new Instagram content, letting go of clients… it all comes back to website design.

So today I’m sharing my newest rendition of the Sequoia Craig Design website.


This phase of my business is dedicated to website design and digital products.

My website design packages have changed:

And I launched three new digital products:

The Blogging Checklist
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