What Is Branding?


Your brand is the identity of your business.  If your business was a person, everything that makes a person unique is what makes a brand unique.  The position, the opinions, the style, the voice, the mood, etc.  It all comes together to create an individual perspective.

As a business owner, you don’t want your business to look like every other business and the way to achieve that difference is through branding.

One of the biggest misconceptions about branding is the colors, fonts, and logos.  But branding is much more than the pretty parts of a logo. 

The most important part of branding is the ideal client.  Your ideal client is who you want to sell to.  What they like, how they buy, where they live… these are all things that should inform your brand.

If your brand appeals to GenZ, then the logo should have a more modern, colorful, and trendy look.  A logo like Microsoft’s would not appeal to GenZ.  If your brand sells to moms, a friendly, inviting logo would be recommended.

Using the information that we can generate about who you are serving means that your branding will effectively appeal and sell to them.

Simply put, branding is the foundation of successful marketing.

So is branding a good place to invest first?

YES.  Branding is one of the best places to invest first.  A solid brand out the gate will create more of an identity and recognition for your business.

Investing in branding early means you don’t risk the need to rebrand.  Rebranding can cause confusion, limit recognition, and ultimately, cost you sales.  That’s not to say that rebranding can be excellent for existing business owners, but in this article I’m talking about new business owners.

Oftentimes businesses start their marketing on Instagram and Facebook.  Perhaps they print business cards too.  With a strong brand presence, all of these aspects can be cohesive, appeal to the ideal client, and create a memorable experience.

So if you’re just starting out and you’re not quite ready to invest in a website, consider investing in your brand.


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