6 Things on My Mind This Week as a Website Designer in Santa Cruz (in No Particular Order)


I’m a Website Designer and SEO expert in Santa Cruz, California and while I have thousands of different thoughts a day, I thought it might be fun to share six of them with you… Maybe you’ll have some insight, maybe you’ll get an idea, or maybe you’ll just get a chance to be nosy. Regardless, here you go, a look inside my brain:

  1. A new service coming soon

    Next week I’m launching a new service… drumroll please… a branding package.  Branding is super important to building a cohesive online presence and marketing effectively.  The purpose of the package is to help newbie entrepreneurs have some collateral so that they can start growing their businesses online with a lower startup cost.  This service will open up on Monday the 20th so if you’re interested be sure to follow along on my email list.

  2. What I’m meal prepping next week

    My partner and I have been consistently meal prepping for a while now… Like two months?  Jeez, that went by fast!  Meal prepping has honestly shifted so much as an entrepreneur.  It’s one less decision to make, saves me time, and keeps me fed.

    Each Sunday we make lunches for the week and put them in our fancy Tupperware (ok so not really fancy but I bought them specifically for meal prepping so they feel fancy).  Last week we did Cold Sesame Noodle Meal Prep Bowls.

  3. What I’ll be writing about on my blog for next week

    Being consistent about my blog is really important to me because consistency builds routines and blogs build SEO.  However, no shame in the game, I did skip it last week.  So right about now is when I start thinking about what next week’s blog will be about.  While I can’t decide exactly when I will have the motivation to write my blog, I do keep a running list of topics to write about in case the moment strikes, plus I’ve noticed that if I clear time in my schedule for blog writing, it usually gets done during that time.

  4. The Instagram posts I need to create

    My Instagram posting schedule is that I share content (at least) every other day.  It feels like a good balance for me and I’ve been doing it consistently for a while.  

    Tip: don’t overcommit to Instagram otherwise it will feel more like a chore.  Just be consistent.

    Lately, I’ve been really enjoying creating more content for Instagram.  I listened to a podcast last week about repurposing content and it had a lot of great ideas so I immediately started playing with them.  I had already turned a blog into a carousel, but I took that carousel and turned it into six reels in under 10 minutes because I was so inspired by that podcast.  Go check it out.  It’s worth the 13 minutes.

  5. Client work (duh)

    Ok, obviously I’m thinking about my clients.  The client projects I have going on now should be number one on this list honestly… but like I said this is in no particular order.  Right now I have a few custom website design projects in the works, a few website edit projects, and an SEO project.  I spend quite a bit of time thinking about new ideas and ways I can continue to improve the project.

  6. New business ideas

    If you’re an entrepreneur and you don’t do this… I don’t know how???  New business ideas are always on my mind.  This week I semi-convinced myself that I should open a gastropub.  Do I have any idea, time, finances, or drive to open a gastropub?  Not really…  But I COULD.

So there’s six of the things on my mind this week as an entrepreneur.

If this blog inspired you to write one of your own, I invite you to check out my running list of blog post topics for life coaches.


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