5 Things Your Website Cannot Live Without

Every website is unique and has different goals/needs, but there are some commonalities between them.  Your website needs these and I’ll explain why.

  1. Home
    This one’s pretty straight forward, but without a home page your website doesn’t have a home-base.  You want your homepage to be an all encompassing landing zone for your website.  Think of it as the central hub.

  2. Terms & Conditions
    Legal stuff is important, and while I’m not a lawyer, I can tell you that #2 and #3 are crucial to protecting yourself.  According to TermsFeed, a terms and conditions policy allows you to “prevent abuse, own your content, terminate accounts, limit liability, and set the governing law.”

  3. Privacy Policy
    Your privacy policy lets visitors know what information your website collects.  According to TermsFeed, a privacy policy “protects you if you collect personal information from users, may be legally required by third party services, creates transparency for your visitors, and protects yourself”.

  4. Blog
    A blog is super beneficial for your search engine optimization.  SEO is what puts you in google.  To improve your SEO more, check out my SEO products, done-for-you SEO, or ongoing SEO.

  5. Cookie banner
    First, let’s establish what cookies are.  Odds are, your website collects cookies.  Adding a cookie banner protects you so that users are aware of their information being collected.  Plus in the EU it’s required to have the banner, so if you have website visitors over there it’s a great idea to add one just to be safe.

Is your website missing any of these?  Comment below and I’ll reply with some helpful tips and answers to your questions.

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