How To Write Blogs Every Single Week

Consistency is KEY when it comes to blogs and emails.

(Note: they can—and should in my opinion—be the same content... read more here)

But consistency is easier said than done, so here’s how I do it.

  1. Pick a date. 

    Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days to send emails, but if your subject lines can’t compete with lots of others, choose a different date.

  2. Create a schedule. 

    I like to start with my content pillars.  For example, my main content pillars are personal development and web design.  So I do a post/email about personal development one week and the next week I do something related to web design.  I alternate forever.  I like this system because it makes the writing feel less redundant yet still consistent *bonus points*.

  3. Schedule it out. 

    Seriously.  This is critical to consistency.  I send out emails on Tuesday so I always finish the email and post by the Friday before.  I am actually writing this one on June 30th.  Scheduling it out and creating deadlines for yourself means preventing burnout which equals consistency.

  4. Record topics. 

    When I come up with an idea for a new post I immediately create a google doc with the topic.  Then when I need a post and I feel like writing, I have a bounty of topics waiting to be revived.

  5. Look for topics. 

    My website design topics come pretty easy, but my personal development stories don’t always pop into my head immediately.  So I literally look around.  There’s always a source of inspiration sitting within five feet from you.  Last week we talked about my fish tank.  How do you think I came up with that one? ;)

Writing consistently may seem daunting at first, but once you get started it gets easier.  Your audience wants to hear from you, so share away.

(Note: the size of your audience doesn’t matter.  Regardless of your email size, people want to hear.)

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