My Biggest Website Pet Peeve

My biggest pet peeve when it comes to websites is tiny text. 

When I get on a website and I can’t read the text, I do one of two things:

  1. I leave.  The end.  I can’t read what they’re sharing so I’m not going to try.

  2. I send them a message asking them to please for the love of god increase their font size.

I totally understand that I’m not a normal visitor, and I also understand that I’m on a mission to increase font size across all the websites.  But still, your visitors are probably doing #1.

I get nosy and go look at people’s websites all the time… It’s just what I do.  And AT LEAST once a week I stumble across a website with tiny text.  Last week I found an Instagram profile that was super cute, well curated, and I could tell they put a lot of time, thought, and effort into their visuals.  I went to their website and was immediately put off by the tiny CURSIVE text.  Tiny cursive text is just unfair.  Cursive is already difficult enough to read, save it as your “display font” or the font that just adds to the design.  (Your display font should not contain any information that is critical to your message.)

Maybe tiny text looks good with your design or maybe you didn’t realize it was tiny.  Regardless, I am certain that if your font size is small, you are losing visitors.  So please go look at your font size on all devices, and when in doubt increase it.

P.s. If you are interested in a website audit, I have two options for you:

  1. Enter to win a FREE website audit here.

  2. Purchase a website audit here.

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