SEO vs. Advertisements

I’ve had several people come to me wanting my SEO services with the desire to amp up their website presence, reach more people, and (usually) make more sales.  This is a feeling that any entrepreneur can relate to.  

But the thing is, if you want these results, you’re looking in the wrong place.  Let me explain.

If you want sales NOW, traffic NOW, and more reach NOW, you need to run Ads.  That’s the truth.  Advertisements are all about NOW.  

They work in the moment, they attract in the moment, and once they’re done, they are done.  While the ad is running, sure you’ll see all the growth you want but the second you cut the cord and stop paying ad revenue all these numbers will go plummeting down.  Boooooo.

That’s why SEO makes me so giddy.

SEO is about the future.  It’s about compounding interest and earning dividends on your website traffic.  (ok maybe I don’t know much about the stock market, but I do know a lot about SEO so let’s stick to that)

SEO is an investment of time and money.  It’s all about getting your website ready to be discovered.  And then you wait.

A new car loses value after you drive it off the lot, but SEO is always growing.  Always.  Growing.  

You’re not going to get the glam and shine of a brand new car with SEO, just like you’re not going to get the instant results like ads, but SEO is an investment that keeps giving back to you.

So if you’re looking for instant results, run an ad campaign.  But if you want long term growth without heavy management and pages of analytics, invest in SEO.


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