Stop Going Through This Instagram Cycle
Disclaimer: I will be talking about Instagram but keep in mind that most of this applies to all social media platforms.
I’m going to tell you a story, one that you may know intimately.
You’re a business owner and you know you should be sharing your content on Instagram, so you start doing it slowly without any rhyme or reason. You throw in a hashtag or two for good measure, click post, like your friends baby photo, and log off. See you next week Instagram!
Then, you feel a sense of disappointment because
You haven’t posted in a week, and
Your post only got four likes, and two of them are from your kids.
So you do what everyone else does… You boost the post. The button is right there, and it’s so easy, just click click click. Wow, only $10 for three days? Heck yeah you are getting a good deal!
The three days come and go and you cannot wait to open your Instagram app and look at the results. 400 impressions, that must be good… right? 40 likes… 2 comments… but no sales, no messages, no new clients or prospects, nothing.
And now you are back to disappointment. You’ve tried it all! You tried organic growth and you tried paid growth and neither worked. Here comes the uncertainty. You’re not sure where to go next, but at least the first way you weren’t out the 10 bucks. So now you are back to square one, and the cycle repeats.

If this is feeling awfully familiar to you, know that you are not alone.
This cycling through Instagram only brings about disappointment, uncertainty, overwhelm, and discouragement. It’s not great for your business or your well being. So I’m going to ask you to stop right now. Stop going through this cycle, stop setting yourself up for failure, and PLEASE stop dumping money into ads without a strategy.
When you are ready to take on Instagram in the *right* way, please check out my Instagram 101 Guide. It has everything you need to master Instagram.
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