What Is an Opt-In and Why Do I Need One?

An opt-in has many names:

  • Freebie

  • Whitepaper

  • Email capture

  • Lead magnet

But these all mean the same thing: something you offer to collect people’s email addresses.  I’m sure you’ve visited a site recently (or maybe your own website has one) where there’s a pop up box that says something like “Get My Blogging Checklist!”

These opt-in freebies can feel a bit overused but there’s a great reason for them.

Emails are invaluable.  Your email list is invaluable.

In fact, according to optinmonster, emails have a ROI (return on investment) of 4400%.  Can your Facebook account do that?  Didn’t think so.

So an opt-in is a unique way to capture more people that are already aligned with your business and what you provide, after all there’s a reason they came on your website.  When we talk about funnels, the top of the funnel is the people coming to your website.  Your opt-in is the next level down.  And as we nurture them through emails they get closer and closer to becoming converted buyers.  Which is, after all, the end goal.

Your lead magnet should be relevant to your business, it should speak to your ideal customer and actually provide value to them.  You want it to feel juicy and like something they literally can’t live without.  If someone gets your freebie and thinks “wow I can’t believe they gave that information away for free”, you’re doing something right.  Because if that’s your free information, imagine how much value is packed into your paid services/products.

Ok but do you actually need an opt-in?

In my opinion, if you have a website, it’s a good idea.  But I think the most important thing to break down is what happens after the freebie to determine if a freebie is right for you.  If I opt-in to get a list of five simple recipes from a recipe blog I visited I expect to get that list of recipes in my email.  Afterwards, if I never hear from that blog again then what was the point?

See the thing about these freebies is they have to have a step two.  A nurture process.  Otherwise you’re just throwing valuable information at the wind.

So let me share how my freebie process works.

  1. Someone opts in to snag my freebie.  My freebie changes several times a year usually, but right now you can find it here.

  2. Then, they’re added to my nurture sequence.  This sequence is a four-part email series that has more information about me and what I offer as well as a discount for one of my guides.

  3. They are also added to my email list where I send out an email once a week.  I haven’t missed an email since September 21st, 2020.  This consistency is key to nurturing.  Click here to read my blog post on how to consistently send out emails and blogs.

This nurturing process ensures that I stay in their email.  I’m constantly checking in and providing value to them.  This is what makes my email list so invaluable.

But if you aren’t willing to put in the time to nurture your audience and be consistent, skip the freebie.  And if you want to nurture your audience via blogs and emails but you don’t have the time, click here to learn about my blogging and emailing service: The Write Way To Nurture.

P.s. want more facts?  Check out this article from optinmonster.


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