How To Nurture Your Audience

Sometimes I forget to write my newsletter and that's ok. But I usually pull it together and write one at the last minute because they are SO important to me.

In today's blog I'm going to explain the importance of a newsletter and how it works to nurture your audience (or in this case mine... which means you ).

Let's think about a newsletter like dating. If on the first date I spent the entire time talking about me and telling you how amazing I am and how great it is to be with me you'd be running to the bathroom and jumping out the window Rachel* style. Just like if I sent you an email for the first time ever and told you all of my services and all your pain points and all the reasons you should buy from me, you'd probably get a major ick factor.

But when I show up week after week it feels more natural when I say, "Hey by the way I build custom websites so if you want to have an online presence that works even when you don't, hit that reply button" it doesn't feel as awkward.

And every week that I send you an email and you don't hit that nasty unsubscribe button our relationship gets a little bit stronger. It's like after each date we decided to go on another one. And if you decide that you've had enough email dating me then by all means hit the unsubscribe button. I get it, it's not me, it's you ;)

So deciding to start a newsletter is like deciding to start dating your audience instead of just jumping into marriage proposals. And if you're ready to start consistently nurturing your audience through email and are looking for some accountability and help, send me an email. I've got just the thing for you.


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