Writing Your Own Website Copy? Read This First.

One of the things that I think people forget often is that website copy can (and should) be updated.

I see it a lot where people get stuck in the website copy and develop perfectionism around it.  They forget that it’s not set in stone.  That it can change with them.

The thing is, your business will change.  Your voice, your positioning, your value… it will all change.  Your copy should change with it.

When I first built my website, I had one page with barely any information.  If I had gotten stuck in perfecting my copy back then, I wouldn’t have the business that I do now.  Getting stuck on copy actually takes away your time from the things that matter.  It makes it harder to move on.  It sucks you in.  And you spend way more time than you should on it.

So if you have no website, start writing out your imperfect copy.

If you do have a website, I encourage you to read through it and change the things that no longer resonate.

And if you want a collaborative approach to website copy and a fully custom website to go along with it, apply to work with me here.


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