4 Things To Do INSTEAD of Selling in the DM’s

No one likes sales. If you DO let me know in the comments.  But I’m certain I won’t get any enthusiastic responses because no one likes sales!!

I feel like social media is a minefield of sales.  If I message someone or ask a question I’ve suddenly opened the door or given the green light to be sold to. Sometimes even a follow prompts a cold sales pitch in my DMs.  And I’m tired of it!!

Here’s 4 things to do instead of selling in your DMs…

  1. Build GENUINE relationships.
    This capitalist way of thinking where we see everyone as a dollar sign has got to go.  I keep in contact with almost ALL of my clients.  I play animal crossing daily with one, another I genuinely hang out with pretty frequently.  I make friends online, that’s it.  If they want to work with me they know they can, but I ALWAYS prioritize the person over the $$ and guess what! It really works. I make sales. Sales that I feel good about. Sure, social media is a tool for your business, but it’s also a way to build relationships.  

  2. Learn.
    There are so many coaches and other service providers out there who create VALUABLE content.  I mean VALUABLE content.  Eat it up!  Go spend time learning about yourself and your business through the free value that they are sharing. They genuinely want you to enjoy it. I absolutely LOVE finding new people on Instagram to learn from because there is so much diversity. No one person has all the answers and I often learn new things about the same topic when I open up and listen to someone else’s perspective on it.

  3. “Sell” in your content
    Ok so don’t be cheesy or over the top.  Just be clear.  I create content that has value, and then I include the steps to work with me.  It’s not even really selling.  I don’t use any cheesy tactics, I don’t sell from fear, I just be.  Here’s a post that talks all about Hero Images and at the end includes how to work with me.  Easy as that.

  4. Literally anything else.
    Go on a walk, sing a song, write a book, bake a pie.  Do literally anything else besides selling in the DMs because as a collective, we are sick of it.


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Hero Image: What It Is & Why It Matters