7 Blog Posts Every Business Owner Should Read

There’s tons of information out there on the internet, so to make it easier for you I’ve compiled seven of my most important blog posts for you to read. These include some of the most valuable information I’ve ever written.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

  1. Why people unsubscribing from your email list is good news
    I totally understand the concern of losing your audience. It’s scary to see the numbers go down after you’ve spent so much time trying to cultivate and create a community. But losing some of your audience is actually a great thing.  Here’s why…

  2. Branding vs. marketing
    Branding and marketing are related and it’s important to know the difference between the two. Branding allows you to market yourself better because it helps you define who you are marketing to. Read more about the difference.

  3. 5 things to include in every blog post
    Here are five things that you should include in each blog post. This will help ensure that your blogging strategy always serve it’s purpose.
    Using this checklist will help you ensure your blogs are optimized and doing what they are supposed to be doing.

  4. Why you should grow your email list
    If you’ve ever been on a call with me, you’ve probably heard me say, “YOUR EMAIL LIST IS INVALUABLE”.
    Let’s talk about why I am such an advocate for growing and maintaining email lists.

  5. Why you can (and should) post your content in multiple places
    In this post I share the differences between platforms. I also break down the audiences that hang out on these platforms. Using this information to your advantage equips you with the most effective content strategy.

  6. 5 things your website should have
    Every website is unique and has different goals/needs, but there are some commonalities between them.  Your website needs these and I’ll explain why.

  7. How to consistently write blogs
    I’ve been writing a blog a week since 2020. Consistency is KEY when it comes to blogs and emails. But consistency is easier said than done, so here’s how I do it.


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