Hero Image: Build a Hero Image With Me

You know when you navigate to a new website and there’s the bold image front and center, usually spanning the entire width of your screen?  That’s called a hero image.  It’s the star of the show and arguably the most important section of your website.

A hero image doesn’t have to be an image.  It can be a video or a slideshow too.

One of the most effective formulas for a hero image is as follows:

The Ingredients:

An image that captures your brand. 

It should be meaningful and elicit the emotion that you want visitors to feel.  Like I said earlier, it doesn’t have to be an image, but sticking with an image can be effective and simple.  Images also load faster than videos and tend to perform better than slideshows because people associate slideshows with advertisements.

H1 text. 

This text should explain what it is you do.  

Be sure to add your focus keyword here (that’s the most important one).  H1 is extremely important for SEO.  For example, if you are a massage therapist in Portland, your focus keyword is something like massage therapy in Portland or masseuse Portland.  There are variations of your focus keyword but the main part is that it sums up you and your business.


This area should further explain what it is that you provide.  This subtext is important to providing context and deepening your mission.

This is a good spot to address a pain point or a desire.  What is the root of what your ideal client wants?  What is the problem they want solved?  Something like let us pamper you for once clearly address a target audience and appeal to that audience.


A call to action that invites people to take the next step.  It’s a good idea to add some words to your button.  With the massage therapist example, the CTA could say I’m ready to relax and take visitors to the booking page.

So with all these ingredients, let’s put it all together to create a hero image for a massage therapist in Portland!

Interested in getting your own epic Hero Image? Apply for custom website design here or enter to win a free website audit here.


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