What To Do When You Feel Disconnected From Your Business


As an entrepreneur, sometimes work just feels funky. It’s a feeling of disconnection from the business. It can feel like not wanting to do any work or blaming my business for all the things not going my way.

For me, when work feels funky, I notice that what I’m creating doesn’t feel as strong. I may have happy clients and solid revenue, but when things feel funky, I’m out of alignment.

So here’s what I do when I feel the business funk coming on:

  1. Take a break.

    Taking a break is arguably one of the most difficult things to do as an entrepreneur. But when I feel disconnected from my business, this is usually what I need the most. It is often accompanied by feelings of abandonment and shame. However, after taking a break, I feel relaxed and motivated.

    There’s no perfect amount of time to take a break. I always start with one day and see how I feel. What usually happens is I take one day off and then the next day I take most of the day off. Then I might take another day off. I try to take my foot off the gas and trust the universe when I’m feeling this level of disconnection (and even resentment).

  2. Get back to the basics.

    Consider your why. Why did you start your business? What problem are you solving? How do you help your clients?

    Spending time thinking about your original goals and ambition can help you to get in touch with the feelings that started the whole thing.

    Getting back to the basics helps me realign my business and notice where I may be out of alignment.

  3. Find a creative outlet.

    Obviously, the work that I do is creative so I’m a bit biased here… But I also firmly believe that creativity is a portal of energy, power, and authenticity. Finding ways to be creative and release energy allows me to go back to my business with fresh eyes.

  4. Look at your favorite projects.

    When I feel disconnected from my business, I like to spend some time looking at my favorite projects and my ideal clients. This helps me realize the magnitude of what I’ve created and how amazing I am at what I do. I think about what a joy it was to work on those projects, and I direct my focus on that joy.

  5. Write.

    Writing is a great way to let words pass through you. Writing can be incredibly healing.

    Plus, writing about your business, experiences, and more can be a great way to bring in new business through SEO with a blog.

  6. Don’t invest money.

    I’ve noticed that when I’m feeling resentful and disconnected from my business, I’m more inclined to look at sales pages and go down rabbit holes because someone else might have the answer to my problem.

    If you are in a similar position, don’t invest. It’s much better to invest in your business coming from a place of creation rather than scarcity. When we are disconnected and looking for immediate solutions, we are bound to make useless investments.

These are six of the things that I personally do when I feel the business funk coming on. This feeling of being disconnected and out of alignment with my business does pass. If you’re in one of these types of places, trust that it will pass. I invite you to look at the big picture and see the beauty and power in what you’ve created and then allow yourself to move on from the doomsday feelings. Your business will always be there for you.

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