Doing It All Yourself: What Used To Serve You No Longer Does


Asking for help has never been my strength.

My guess is that it comes from being raised in an environment where independence, going with the flow, and staying “out of the way” were praised.

I remember writing on my college applications (ha ha I didn’t last long in college) that my weakness was that I had a hard time asking for help, but this made me really tenacious and always giving my all before reaching out for support. I believe this still holds true. (Maybe it’s the Aries fire.)

Wild enough, almost all of the entrepreneurs I know are like this too. Natural go-getters, stubborn, and DIY queens.

I think to be a successful entrepreneur—especially without millions of dollars in startup funds—tenacity is one of the requirements.

But what I’ve noticed is that what got us started is not what makes us grow.

The thing that makes us good at entrepreneurship is also our downfall.

When you get to a certain point where your business is growing and you’re ready to start investing back in it, hiring out is a must… Because you can’t do it all.

I’m going to say it one more time because you need to hear it again: you can’t do it all.

I have witnessed SO many entrepreneurs become a bottleneck in their business. They want to do it all, approve everything, and have their hands on every part of the process. And so they can’t continue to grow. They get stuck. Maybe they burnout.

The entrepreneurs I know that are successful, happy, and growing know their weaknesses and ask for help with them. And often, these people are my clients.

If you became an entrepreneur for freedom, I want you to consider how much technology is holding back your freedom. You might spend hours working on your website, your branding, or your client experience instead of working with your clients.

So STOP trying to do it all and notice when you can and should ask for help.

And consider investing in a website so that you can show up online in a way that is as unique as you are… without any overwhelm and late nights googling answers to coding questions.


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