Three Reasons Why Your Coaching Business Is Doing Better Than You Think

Maybe you think your business sucks, or maybe you think you aren’t making enough money.  Regardless, you aren’t giving yourself the recognition you deserve.  Here’s what you are doing instead:

  1. You are so used to surviving even when you are thriving you don’t notice it.

    You have spent so much time learning how to barely make ends meet while as a coach.   You are used to not generating the Tony Robbins amount of money that you hoped you would.  So now that you are making more money and filling your schedule with high quality clients you forgot to actually notice.  Your goals are coming to fruition, but you are so stuck in old patterns that you aren’t able to notice.

  2. You aren’t celebrating your wins.

    If you don’t reward yourself then you aren’t giving yourself the satisfaction of success.  As a kid, rewards made sense, but now in adulthood, it’s much easier to put that money or time into something “more important”.  But by doing this, you are robbing yourself of the feeling of success.  You are depriving yourself of your accomplishments.  And you are keeping yourself in the “not good enough” mentality.

  3. You are fixating on the wrong things.

    If you are spending too much of your time looking at bills and debt, you are allowing your shame and fear to drive your money.  I’m definitely not saying you should go and blow all of your money on a 40-foot yacht, but I am saying healthy boundaries are important.  Money stresses people out, and you aren’t immune to it.  Spend some time doing no-cost activities that don’t have money involved.  Breath in some fresh air and enjoy your life.

The biggest lesson that I can give you is to stop focusing on the money, but rather focus on the work that you set out to do.  You are a coach.  You are a successful coach.  You help people invent themselves.  And you are good at it.

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