5 Signs You Need To Redo Your Website

A website is one of the most powerful tools for a business but sometimes it needs a refresh. If you aren’t a pro, here’s how you can determine whether or not your website is ready for an update.

  1. You rebranded

    If your business has a new look and feel, then your website should too.  There are a number of reasons to rebrand, many of which are listed further down this list, but the main focus here is that if you changed your branding, your website comes next.  After all, the main focus for branding is to be consistent and cohesive.

  2. You pivoted

    There’s no shame in refocusing your business.  Maybe you have a different ideal client, maybe you revamped your service suite.  Regardless of the pivot you made, you made some changes.  And because you are now either serving a different clientele or offering new services to an existing clientele, your website should reflect that.  Your website should reflect your business in a current, updated way.

  3. You feel uninspired

    If you look at your website and just feel blah about it, it’s time for an upgrade.  See, one of the coolest things that I get to witness as a website designer is how much confidence people gain when they unveil their new site.  The truth is, if we are inspired and excited about our websites, we promote them more.  So you may be thinking that this reason feels a bit pointless and unimportant, but I promise you that you will increase your traffic if you are sharing your website more, and one of the biggest obstacles there is that you have to feel inspired to share it.

  4. It’s not generating any new traffic

    If your site generated quite a bit of traffic and then slowly stopped, one of the reasons may be that you haven’t updated anything in quite a while.  This is one of the biggest reasons I suggest blogging as a method of SEO.  When you blog regularly, it tells search engines (like Google) that you are active on your website and that when people visit it, they’ll get current information.

  5. You just hate your current site

    This sort of references #3, but really, if you hate your site, it’s time for a new one.  Your website is the face of your business.  It’s often the first impression that people make.  It establishes credibility, promotes professionalism, and gets new eyes on your business.  But if it’s not working, it does the opposite.  If you visit your own website and feel like it looks cheap, other people who visit it are probably thinking the same thing, but the worst part is that they’re connecting that cheap look to the value of your services and products.  So consider investing in a website.  It’s much easier for people to spend more money if they feel like a website is credible and of high value.

Ready to update & redo your website?


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