Coaches, You Can’t Do It

Oftentimes coaches come to me because they want to do more.  They want to send out a weekly email, be active on their social media, and continue coaching.  But they often don’t think about the time commitment that comes with all of these things.  Here’s a big secret: I market and build websites for a living and I can’t even find the time to manage my own Instagram let alone all of my socials.

So I know for a matter of fact you can’t do it either.  

One of the first questions I ask new clients is:

How much content can you realistically create in a week?

Not how much content do you want to create, or how much content do you think you can create.  I need to know how much content you can actually generate.  Because if you want to have a weekly email go out but you can’t generate weekly emails… that’s a problem.

So one of the first things I suggest you do is build up a content library.  Spend four weeks getting into the rhythm of writing one blog post a week.  Then, once you have four blog posts, start posting them.  This allows you to already have established a routine of writing each week and it also allows you to have a buffer.  This content library serves as a backup so even if you miss one week, you will still have a blog to post.

This also applies to Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Emailing, and just about everything else.  You can batch your content (create a chunk of content in one go) to save you time AND make sure you are consistent, because if you aren’t being consistent then there is no point.

So before you take on a new practice, PRACTICE it and give yourself a buffer at the same time.  :)

And if you need a little help, check out The Write Way To Nurture.

Suggested reading:


The Difference Between Branding & Marketing


5 Things To Include In Every Blog Post