Why I Like Building Websites for Coaches

While there are 86,900 coaches today*, the way that they each operate is so different from each other, which makes them my favorite type of client.  Each one brings a new challenge and stretches me to create something distinctive which caters to who they are, what they do, and what sets them apart. Most commonly, I’ve found, they share these 5 things.

1. They have the same values as I do.

My values are integrity, communication, honesty, and compassion.  Most coaches value the same things.  This means that when I operate from love, they meet me there.  I know that when I show up to a call as my true self, I will be met with authenticity.  It also means that in the event of a breakdown, the cleanup stays crisp.

2. They are each unique.

There are countless coaches out there, so each one has to be extremely clear on what sets them apart.  It’s a competitive industry and the more they lean into their life experience and who they are as a person, the more effectively they come across.  After all, hiring a coach is all about hiring a person.

3. They are creative.

So much of coaching is creative: the problem solving, the actions, the solutions… Coaches have learned how to be creative to take on people’s being.  That creativity translates beautifully into other aspects of their lives, making the web design process co-creative and full of ideas.

4. They are bold.

Coaches know better than most that the easy way isn’t necessarily the right way.  Coaches know how to be bold and push limits.  Coaches push me to be a better designer.

5. They are visionaries.

They usually have about a 1.7million ideas and cannot wait to share all of them.  They can see their desires and understand the steps to get there.  They are powerful too.  Their websites are usually future-oriented, and engaging.

* “2020 Executive Summary.” International Coaching Federation, 2020, coachfederation.org/

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