The History Behind The Craig Chronicle

I am probably one of the most sentimental people you’ll ever meet.  If space wasn’t an issue I’d say yes to every single family heirloom and hand-me-down to ever enter my plane of vision.  I currently have family heirlooms being stored at three of my family member’s houses because I didn’t want the heirlooms to be sold, but I couldn’t take them on quite yet.

It’s amazing how well my family puts up with all my antics ;)

So on April 17th, 2021 I was hanging out with my fam and I-can’t-remember-who pulled out this letter from my great grandmother.  By the time it got passed around to me I could barely wait.  (scroll down to see the 1957 edition)

My great grandmother would send out a yearly letter (a christmas card if you will) called The Craig Chronicle.  Think: Ross from the office with his holiday letter.

The letter entranced me.  The way she wrote, the ink, the font, even the paper itself.  I was obsessed.  But the thing that really stuck with me was the name: The Craig Chronicle.  So I kindly borrowed it for my website.

Adding the family name to it has made it even easier for me to consistently send out my blogs and emails because I am honoring my great grandmother. 

So because I’m a sappy one who has every family memoir I can get my hands on, what is a family heirloom or sacred keepsake that you keep around?  Seriously, tell me.  My sentimental self cannot wait to hear about it.

p.s. speaking of sentimental, In about a week and a half I'm moving out of the apartment I started my business in. Follow along and get more deets on the 'gram...


Read more about business on The Craig Chronicle:


The Blog Post That Generates The Same Amount of Traffic As My Home Page


The Path of Least Resistance & Website Design