Why Is Your Email List Important?

If you’ve ever been on a call with me, you’ve probably heard me say, “YOUR EMAIL LIST IS INVALUABLE”.

Let’s talk about why I am such an advocate for growing and maintaining email lists.

The main reason: these people are committed.

By signing up to receive your emails, they have already said “I am on your team and I am interested in what you have to say”. That means that they are going to read, engage, and share your content. We love people that actually want to consume what you are producing! Chances are, your ideal client lies in your email pool as well.

Your email list grows!

As you grow, your email list will grow. That means a bigger audience and more of a reach.


Your email list provides you with a way to consistently engage with people. That’s definitely ideal for growth! Don’t forget to send out emails regularly to utilize this audience most efficiently.

Looking for some help? Check out my current services here.

Read the latest blog post on The Craig Chronicle:


Should You Market Via Influencers?


Why You Can (and Should) Post Your Content in Multiple Places